Your Trusted Law Firm in Morganton, North Carolina
At Willcox Law Firm, PLLC, we can assist you with your simple divorce from start to finish. We understand the challenges brought about by a dissolution of marriage, and through our compassion and experience, we can help you through this trying time. In most simple divorces, we can complete the process in 45-55 days from the filing of the complaint.
At your first consultation, attorney Willcox will gather all of the needed information, prepare a divorce complaint, have you as the client review and sign the complaint, file the complaint, and serve it on the opposing party. After the opposing party has received the complaint, that party shall have 30 days to respond and if no response is filed, we will schedule your divorce hearing. In most cases, neither party need to appear in court.
Call Crystal today to schedule a consultation with attorney Rod Willcox. We have many appointment times available to accommodate our clients and can usually get your consultation scheduled within a week.
Phone: (828) 433-1333
Phone: (828) 433-1333 | Address: 122 West Union St, Morganton, NC 28655 |